Do you need a DBA or assumed name for your company? There are many different reasons why you might want one — maybe you want to open a business bank account, or add credibility to your sole proprietorship, or you just want to use an alternate name.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to decide which of the many DBA filing services is the best. I’ve been there myself! To complement your own research, my team and I have invested countless hours researching every major online DBA service.
In this Swyft Filings DBA review, I’ll walk you through some pros and cons, pricing, features, customer feedback and more. Read on to find out if they’re a good fit for your company!
Pros & Cons of Swyft Filings
Pros of Swyft Filings
- With well over 8,000 online customer reviews and fantastic ratings across the board, Swyft Filings has customer feedback that would be exceedingly difficult to beat.
- They offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re unhappy for any reason, they’ll refund their service fees with no questions asked.
- With Swyft Filings, all customers receive a personal Business Specialist. Instead of phoning an anonymous call center, you will have the direct email and phone number for a Swyft Filings rep so you can get help from the same person every time.
- Swyft Filings lives up to their name with quick turnaround times. Their standard DBA registration service takes about 2 weeks which is as fast as some competitors’ rush times, while the Swyft Filings expedited filing can be as quick as 1 week.
- They have an impressive suite of security features. Norton Web Security encrypts data transfers and scans for malware, while the Norton Shopping Guarantee provides $10k in identity theft protection and also guarantees up to $1,000 in purchases.
- In a hurry? No problem! Swyft Filings says their DBA forms can be filled out from start to finish in as little as 10 minutes.
Cons of Swyft Filings
- They don’t offer publication service. Some select states require you to purchase newspaper space to announce your new assumed name, which you’ll have to do on your own. A few competitors like LegalZoom even include this service in their base rate.
Swyft Filings Alternative
LegalZoom is a good provider of DBA services due to their brand popularity and their satisfaction guarantee. Read Review
LegalZoomSwyft Filings DBA Pricing & Features
With Swyft Filings, DBA obtainment carries a $99 flat rate price tag, which is right at the industry standard. Take a look at what you get:Their DBA package includes the essentials like a business name search, and the preparation and filing of your documents. Keep in mind that Swyft Filings does not offer publication service, which is required for compliance in some states.
Only a few of their competitors (like LegalZoom) include publication, but many others offer it as an add-on. Of course, if this is not required in your state it doesn’t really matter.
Swyft Filings Customer Reviews
Swyft Filings excels in both quality and quantity when it comes to customer feedback. With nearly 9,000 reviews and excellent average ratings, it’s hard to find fault in this area. Their happy customers frequently reference how quickly they work and how simple the entire process is.
Customer Reviews Section Last Updated 8-11-17
- Shopper Approved: 4.6/5 out of 8,732 reviews
- TrustPilot: 9.0/10 out of 148 reviews
Conclusion: Thousands of reviews with great averages? It’s basically impossible to view this as anything other than a positive for Swyft Filings.
How Does Swyft Filings DBA Compare?
With as much time as I’ve spent looking into services to get a DBA, I’ve noticed that some of them are better value than others. Still, our goal is to figure out which provider has the best combo of features and pricing for you.
Swyft Filings is one of the top DBA services because of their excellent customer reviews and the way they assign a specialist to every client. Of course, it’s still a good idea to see what the competition has to offer, so let’s check out my personal favorite, LegalZoom.
Pricing: LegalZoom and Swyft Filings have the same $99 base rate for DBA obtainment.
Features: The difference in features largely comes down to what is required in your state of formation. If you need to publish your new DBA in a newspaper, LegalZoom covers that in your $99 cost. Swyft Filings does not offer this feature.
Customer Support: The big difference here is that Swyft Filings assigns a personal Business Specialist to every single customer, meaning you can contact the same person every time you need assistance. LegalZoom also has a good service department with extended customer support hours, but being able to talk with the same rep every time is a great feature for Swyft Filings.
Experience: LegalZoom opened in 1999, serving nearly 4 million customers since then. Swyft Filings has only been in business since 2012, but they’ve got a great first 5 years under their belts and their footprint is constantly expanding.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I File a DBA Independently?
You definitely can, just know that it can be a hassle depending on your location. If you use a DBA service like Swyft Filings, they can take care of all the details for you, leaving you free to actually run your business. If you do want to try the DIY option, check out our extensive how-to guide.
What’s Their Refund Policy?
Swyft Filings has a 100% satisfaction guarantee that ensures you are pleased with every step of the process. If you’re not, they’ll refund their fees.
How Secure Is Swyft Filings?
With multiple Norton products protecting their website, I won’t hesitate to say that I trust them to keep my data private.
Do They Offer Ongoing Support?
Absolutely. It doesn’t matter if you bought your DBA yesterday or months ago, they’ll do everything they can to answer your questions or resolve any issues that may arise.
Should You Use Swyft Filings?
I’ll give Swyft Filings a score of 4.7/5. Their personal Business Specialists serve every customer, and their reviews are extremely difficult to top. That being said, if this doesn’t sound like your perfect fit, check out our Best DBA Filing Services review. Cheers!