GoSun Profile

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Last Updated: By TRUiC Team

GoSun is an eco-friendly startup that leverages the power of solar to create innovative products such as solar ovens, solar coolers, and more.

Founders Icon Founder(s): Patrick Sherwin, Gary Starr
Founded in Icon Founded In: 2014
Industry Icon Industry: Ecommerce
Location Icon Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Interview With Gary Starr

Describe your product or service: 

“Solar ovens, solar coolers, solar generators, solar water purifiers, and more innovative products for recreation and resilience.”

Describe your company values and mission: 

“We provide portable power for the people.”

How are you funded? I.e. venture capital, angel investors, etc. 

“Angels and crowdfunding.”

How big is your team? Tell us a little about them (I.e. co-founders, freelancers, etc.) 

“We are a small (10 people) group of innovative, problem-solving designers, engineers, and marketers. The team is agile, able to pivot quickly, and leverage its experience to go from innovation to production in as little as six months.”

Did you always want to start your own business? What made you want to become an entrepreneur? 

“Founders are lifetime entrepreneurs, [I] have started over 25 business[es]. Business[es] can move faster than [the] government to solve the world's problems.”

How did you come up with your startup idea? How did you decide to actually act on the idea? What gave you confidence that you were on the right track? 

“Original idea was that [if] a vacuum tube can heat water quickly, why not food? When a hot dog was cooked perfectly in minutes, [I] knew we were on the right track.”

How did you come up with your company name? Did you have other names you considered? 

“Brainstormed a number of names, [we] wanted an "active" name, and trademarkable.”

Feeling inspired? Learn how to launch your company with our guide on how to start a startup.

What is the greatest challenge you faced in starting your business, and how did you overcome it? 

“Assembling a small, but great team, and marketing, [i.e.] getting the word out. Went to tradeshows and then used the crowd.”

Who is your product or service made for? Who is your target market? 

“Everyone! ... Just like Tesla is a better car that happens to be good for the environment, we design and make products that are better than the status quo (and are good for the environment). For example, our solar ovens cook without fuel (and don't produce emissions), our solar coolers don't need ice (and don't need to be plugged in), our water filters purify water (and don't need outside power), and our solar generators produce energy anyplace anywhere without fuel or emissions.”

What's your marketing strategy? 

“Concept, prototype, crowdfund, [and] ecommerce.”

How did you acquire your first 100 customers? 


What are the key customer metrics / unit economics / KPIs you pay attention to to monitor the health of your business? 

“Revenues, cash flow, and profitability.”

What's your favorite entrepreneurial book and podcast? 

“TED Talks.”

Who is your support system? 

“Each other [i.e.] other members of the team.”

How do you stay motivated? 

“Go for a walk and read the news. The earth needs products that help it heal.”

Did you have to develop any habits that helped lead you to success? If so, what are they? 

“If there is a problem, SOLVE IT!”

What are you most proud of as an entrepreneur? 

“Producing products that the world needs, when others say [it’s] not possible.”


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We were fortunate enough to hear some valuable insights during our interview with Patrick Sherwin and Gary Starr of GoSun that will inspire, motivate, and teach aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

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